動物醫療中心 (旺角) Animal Medical Centre (Mong Kok)位於油尖旺區的獸醫診所九龍旺角勝利道16號D地舖

城大動物醫療中心 CityU Veterinary Medical Centre (CityU VMC)位於深水埗區的獸醫診所九龍深水埗荔枝角道339號丰匯地下至2樓

動物醫療中心 - 安健獸醫診所 Animal Medical Centre - Tai Po位於大埔區的獸醫診所新界大埔仁興街54號地舖

動物醫療中心 (馬鞍山) Animal Medical Centre (Ma On Shan)位於沙田區的獸醫診所新界馬鞍山褔安花園地下2號及17號地舖

火炭動物醫療中心 Pawlistic Veterinary Medical Centre位於沙田區的獸醫診所新界火炭坳背灣街27-31號協興工業中心地下B1A地鋪

聖誕包裝 X'mas Package 即棄式三層醫用口罩 3-PLY Disposable Medical Face Mask 獨立包裝口罩 一盒5個裝 $12.50 國際認證:ASTM FT2100 Level 2 EN14683 Type II 透氣度高 極溫和不刺激皮膚彈性耳帶配帶舒適 香港製造 詳情: https://www.qualimask.com/collections 順豐包郵

八成新,醫療電動醫療床,連床褥,拉手架, WHOLE SET -ALPHA 電動5功能可倾斜康愎床 79 x 38 x 8 - 29.5 (缩中) -Demark ABENA 床塾34 x36 附18 謢翼 -4摺阻燃床褥,76.5 x33x3 -BED-CPS 康愎床拉手架

This report studies sales (consumption) of Patient Warming Devices in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, focuses on top players in these region
Q商業 / 商業優惠QYResearch

主要範圍: Business Mgt, Human Resources Mgt, Tourism, Project Mgt, HK Law, Building & Construction, Education, Marketing & Advertising, Psychology, Nursing, Medical, Housing Facilities Mgt

單次收費 明碼實價 專業醫美團隊提供一站式醫美服務包括皮秒激光 / 膠原槍 / HIFU /無針埋線 /燒脂針 / 少女針 / 女神冰冰針/BOTOX/SIAX/JUVEDERM/ELLANSE/SCULPTRA/RESTYLANE/DERMAVEIL/PDO埋線提拉術/導管倒勾玫瑰線提拉術/SAXENDA減肥針/水光注射/背部去印療程/果酸換膚等等

😷 3-ply Medical face mask 💕 Ship from Hong Kon 🔹PFE>95% or 99.9%🔹 🔸BFE>95% or 99.9%🔸 ✅International standard: EN149:2001💊FFP1✨FFP2⭐CE0194🚨N95🚑

😷 3-ply Medical face mask 💕 Ship from Hong Kon 🔹PFE>95% or 99.9%🔹 🔸BFE>95% or 99.9%🔸 ✅International standard: EN149:2001💊FFP1✨FFP2⭐CE0194🚨N95🚑

Sunrise medical Q100R 高質電輪椅, 適合室內室外,載重95公斤,小巧54厘米闊,101厘米長,可上斜坡路肩,椅子可升高,電池強充一次電可行31公里,行走穩定,容易控制。9.2019買入,用了才幾次,原價32,000.-現售20,000.-適合老人和殘障人士使用。保養期未過。 https://www.sunrisemedical.co.uk/q100r 有興趣請聯絡譚太

Sunrise medical Q100R 高質電輪椅, 適合室內室外,載重95公斤,小巧54厘米闊,101厘米長,可上斜坡路肩,椅子可升高,電池強充一次電可行31公里,行走穩定,容易控制。9.2019買入,用了才幾次,原價32,000.-現售20,000.-適合老人和殘障人士使用。保養期未過。 https://www.sunrisemedical.co.uk/q100r 有興趣請聯絡譚太

專業治療師團隊度身訂製個人療程 RAISE 透過結合美學與科技,配以安全有效的醫美技術,將客人獨特的自然美呈現。 RAISE MEDICAL BEAUTY承諾: ✔ 明碼實價,絕無隱藏消費 ✔ 絕不硬銷,否則原銀奉還 ✔ 所有儀器及用料原廠正貨 ✔ 優質服務,24小時內專人回覆 ✔ 為客戶提供7天冷靜期保障

主要範圍: Business Mgt, Human Resources Mgt, Tourism, Project Mgt, HK Law, Building & Construction, Education, Marketing & Advertising, Psychology, Nursing, Medical, Housing Facilities Mgt

美容 / 活髮Hair Blooms Wigs

skywalk specialized in different industries such as automobile, fashion, telecom, IT, business consultants, medical, entertainment, Model Management and event management, retail, food & beverage, ed

Skin Care Clinic 美容護膚中心
F美容 / 面部及皮膚護理Face College Medical Laser Center

We aim at bringing quality Family Medicine and Network Medical Services, providing greater value in healthcare and health protection services to meet the demand of the general public in Hong Kong.
長者 / 健康檢查明康醫療香港有限公司
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